Friday, July 30, 2021

Not sleeping Properly.

 I can't  call my self an insomniac because I do sleep. In fitful little patches.

The interesting thing is the strange programs you find yourself watching just trying to exhaust yourself enough to sleep. Last night I followed a brief viewing of a wig teleshopping channel with a biopic of Hemingway, each depressing in their own special way. The wig program only because it seems such a strange thing to be trying to sell, like any of these telesales channels with (artificially) "limited" stock with a countdown. The Hemingway was the last program in the series, so covering that sad period as his drinking and a number of airplane accidents add up to a serious decline in his health, both physical and mental, and inevitably to his death.

So I'm not the best state of mind, being sleep deprived and brought a bit down by my TV viewing, but I am blogging momentarily.

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